Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tippy Toe

Kids have a short attention span. Ours are no different. When Niki and I try to figure out what activities to get the kids involved in we base it off of the mood of the moment. Emily has asked about and mentioned 'Tippy Toe' [Lem-Lem for ballet] since she was about two. This past summer we broke down and signed her and Anna up for a 6 week ballet lesson. The lessons were at 6:00 which meant that I had to haul rear-end from work to make it there on time. Niki would drive the kids and we would meet at the studio. After the lesson Niki asked the kids who they wanted to go home with. At age 3 Emily is still stuck on Daddy (hope this never changes) and asked to go home with me. As I am driving her home she has a very thought filled look on her face before she says to me 'Daddy - you are a baseball daddy and I am a Tippy Toe Lem-Lem'

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