Friday, October 19, 2007

The Way to A Girl's Heart

This story takes place in October of 2007 (Emily is 3 1/2 yrs)

Emily had a bad cold and woke up at 4:00 a.m. with a terrible cough. I tried everything. I gave her cold medicine... water... one of those sore throat lollipops... nothing. Finally I chopped up a popsicle for her and put it in a bowl. Here is how the events went:

chomp. chomp. chomp.

Big smile head wiggle.

"Daddy I Love You"

chomp. chomp. chomp.

"Daddy I Love Everybody"

When that magical day comes when I have to give her away... I will tell my future son-in-law "when ever you get in serious trouble.... Give her a popsicle."

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