Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Emily fascinates me. She is a ball of energy and absolutely fearless. You get a better sense of her personality in contrast to her older sister. Anna, has generally been very timid when it comes to anything athletic. Emmy, on the other hand had 3 purposes in life which can best be described with a little story.

Emily was probibly about two. I was sitting on the couch and Emily climbed up on the arm of the love seat. She squatted down on the arm, and I thought to myself 'She looks like she's gonna jump. She wouldn't jump...' Sure enough, I was wrong. She landed on her butt on the other side of the chair. I couldn't see her, but I could hear her. All I heard was 'woah'

In this phase of her life, Emmy had three rules:

1) See it
2) Climb it
3) Jump off of it

Emmy Song

I am guessing that this story takes place when Emmy was 1 and 1/2. We were getting ready for thanksgiving and had been talking about the holiday with both girls for some time. One particular evening leading up to Thanksgiving I was giving Emily and Anna a bath. She was playing with a Strawberry Shortcake plastic cup in the tub and sang the following, to the tune of Happy Birthday:

Strawberry Shortcake To You - Turkey Turkey.

The turkey, turkeys were not sung but added in as an afterthought. You now know an all purpose Cartoon, Birthday, Thanksgiving song!

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Way to A Girl's Heart

This story takes place in October of 2007 (Emily is 3 1/2 yrs)

Emily had a bad cold and woke up at 4:00 a.m. with a terrible cough. I tried everything. I gave her cold medicine... water... one of those sore throat lollipops... nothing. Finally I chopped up a popsicle for her and put it in a bowl. Here is how the events went:

chomp. chomp. chomp.

Big smile head wiggle.

"Daddy I Love You"

chomp. chomp. chomp.

"Daddy I Love Everybody"

When that magical day comes when I have to give her away... I will tell my future son-in-law "when ever you get in serious trouble.... Give her a popsicle."

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bear's Butt

Emily loves to talk. She doesn't particularly need an audience. This day we were taking a ride in the car, and she was sitting in her car seat in the back seat. I turned the radio down so I could listen to her words. And this is how it went. Bear is her lovey. To describe bear, he is like a baby sized bear skin rug. His arms our outstretched and his feet, he has a small tail in the middle, and a fluffly head at the other end. Bear is all pink fluff. So Emmie begins. "Bear has a butt. Bear has a little butt. Bear does not wear panties. I wear panties, Anna wears panties, Gramma wears panties, but Bear does not wear panties. Bear has a butt. Bear has a tail, and bear has a butt, but bear does not wear panties. Bear does have a butt, bear's butt is small, but bear does not wear panties." The saga of bear and his butt continued until we reaced our destination, and Emily exited the car very please with her story.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The room

I had Anna and Emmie over for a sleepover. Pretty much, I keep them out of Meme's room. She is either in there sleeping or resting most of the time. Other times, there is just to much for them to get into. It so happened that this Sunday Meme was in my room, and the door to her room was slightly ajar. Emmie pushed it open, and wide eyed declared, "Oh Grandma, it's tho perfect." I am sure the television right next to her bed had something to do with her being awestruck.


Meme is Emily's great grandmother. She is very protective of her, like helping her to stand up, holding her hand when she is walking, etc. One Sunday I took both girls to church. Meme was home sleeping and Emily knew it. We sat near the front, and Emmie was being the perfect angel. Then it happened. The priest loudly rang the bells to indicate it was time for communion. Emmie yelled out "Shhhhh, Meme's sleeping." Everyone within earshot was either laughing out loud, or trying to contain their laughter. The priest again rang the bells, Emmie yells again, "Hey, Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I said Meme's sleeping." That was pretty much it for me and most of the poeple around us. Emmie sat back with a big smile on her face, and luckily the priest didn't have to ring the bells again.

Gamma's Gum

I was watching a video with the girls and Emily was on my lap. I always chew bubble gum, and she loves to watch me blow bubbles. This time she looked me straight in the face and said " Gramma, you have Bubbie Gum." When I stopped laughing and regained my composure, I thought to myself, 'Out of the mouths' of Babes. Of course your Bubbie would chew Bubbie Gum.